Diphthongs 3
Diphthongs 3
Diphthongs 3
Closing diphthongs end with a glide towards / ɪ / or towards / ʊ /. The glide is towards a higher position in the mouth.
Closing diphthongs ending in / ʊ /
Closing diphthongs ending in / ʊ /
The glide begins in a position quite similar to / ɑː /, moving up towards / ʊ /. The lips start neutral, with a movement to loosely rounded. The glide is not always completed, as the movement involved is extensive.
house, loud, down, how, bough
The glide begins in the position for / ə /, moving up and back towards / ʊ /. The lips are neutral but change to loosely rounded.
Examples: go, snow, toast, home, hello, although