Consonants 2


Affricates occur when a complete closure is made somewhere in the mouth,
and the soft palate is raised. Air pressure increases behind the closure, and
is then released more slowly than in plosives.

Unvoiced sounds like / tʃ / are shown on a grey background.
Voiced sounds like / dʒ / are shown on a white background.

/  tʃ  /

/ /


Palato-alveolar sounds. The tongue tip, blade and rims close against the alveolar ridge and side teeth.

The front of the tongue is raised, and when the air is released, there is audible friction. The soft palate is also raised. / tʃ /is unvoiced and fortis. / dʒ/ is voiced and lenis and is devoiced at the end of a word. 


/ tʃ / church, nature

/ dʒ / judge, larger